ZOO-HEAD (2019)
"(Zoo-Head) uses its looping narrative to evoke different, more psychological brands of circularity, namely the cycles of addiction and abuse. As Charlie struggles to find his footing and rebuild his life from its ruins, Dev envisages this lost soul’s internal conflicts as a low-budget, lo-fi paranoid trip into disorienting trauma..."
Projected Figures
"Navin Dev has written and directed a movie that’s trippy, gritty and every bit as messed up as it’s (sic) main character."
OC Movie Reviews
'Unique & Memorable', 'Beautifully crafted, powerful and thought-provoking, Red Kingdom Rising is a superb example of how British horror cinema can stretch itself well beyond the traditional slashers and zombies when it tries'.
Scream Magazine
To most viewers, (Joss Whedon's) Much Ado won't look much different than an equally well-crafted 16mm film such as Red Kingdom Rising, Navin Dev's 2014 horror adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice novels.
The History of British Literature on Film (1895-2015) by Greg M. Colon Semenza and Robert Hasenfratz
....a hugely impressive feature debut, a visual poem reminiscent of the masters of dreamlike cinema. This is the sort of movie that you come away from really glad that you’ve seen it because it has added something to your experience of the world.
UK Leading Genre Film Journalist MJ Simpson
….an eerie and imaginative dark fantasy dreamscape with a visual style reminiscent of directors such as Tim Burton and Guillermo del Toro….
Flickering Myth
Navin Dev's Red Kingdom Rising revisits the 'female alternate reality' motif....The result abounds in vibrantly surrealist imagery....
English Gothic: Classic Horror Cinema (1897-2015) by Jonathan Rigby
The film certainly exudes style and flair from first time feature director Navin Dev. It’s packed with lots of great visuals and beautiful, horrifying settings. The movie paces itself in a way that it draws you in carefully before delivering some pretty nasty goods. 3/4 stars
Arrow in the Head
'Red Kingdom Rising' is a beautifully-made horror-fantasy moving through dark, dream waters that run deep, crafting genuine, disturbing horror...when someone makes an intelligent, atmospheric Brit horror movie like this they deserve some support.
Forbidden Planet International
This is a real Lynchian/Freudian surrealist endeavour we got here…it’s a cerebral movie that forces you to watch it and it's certainly an engrossing watch. In fact considering this is essentially an indie movie, it punches very much above its weight in almost every regard.
Horror Chronicles
'Red Kingdom Rising' marks director Dev’s first feature film. You would never be able to tell since he directs with style and confidence. It’s a visually stunning and psychologically horrifying film that once again proves there’s nothing more terrifying than the things that can happen to us in real life. 4 out of 5 stars.
....there’s others (films) that make you feel as though you’re watching a poem come to life where the story, actors, and f/x all come together in perfect balance to produce something both frightening and beautiful. This is where I put 'Red Kingdom Rising'. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Anything Horror Central
With Red Kingdom Rising Director Navin Dev adds a worthy inclusion into the ranks of the top draw psychological outings. Does Britain have another rising horror director who writes his own scripts? Time will tell, but pencil in the name you’ll be hearing a lot more from this young film maker. 10/10
One of the best independent horror movies I’ve ever seen. The story is original and interesting, not your everyday horror movie. 8 out of 10 stars.
The Horror Movies Blog
A nice hidden gem which I hope gets more recognition and exposure in the horror world....If Wonderland is the metaphorical world inside Alice's head, or indeed within our head what happens when we hide from the dark places that we create within it. This is the perspective of 'Red Kingdom Rising'.
Pissed Off Geek
Navin Dev's 'Red Kingdom Rising' is a perfect visual journey through childhood trauma and the attempt to reconcile those horrible memories in order to heal. The telling of this hellish fairytale is intense and macabre.
A Southern Life in Scandulous Times
For his first stint behind the camera, Dev manages to defy low-budget constraints and craft an intensely creepy world that borders on a nightmarish psychosis. With 'Red Kingdom Rising', Navin Dev has delved deep into our darkest nightmares, it'll be interesting to see where he goes next. 3/5
Horror Talk
Keep an eye on this film. This is a horror film that will scare you, freak you out, make you laugh, and make you cry...often just minutes apart from one another. Movies like this do not come along often, and I highly advise that you seek it out the second that it becomes available in some way. A perfect film, 10/10.
The Movies Made Me Do It
The writing and direction are flawless, the acting performances have depth and integrity, and the perfect score helps to blend reality and fantasy seamlessly together.
Eat Horror
The disturbing imagery utilized within the production is genius. It’s unsettling and strange all the while perfectly tells the story. Throughout the horror adventure, different elements of the fairytale are utilized all the while capturing an originality that is rarely seen. 8/10
Scared Stiff Reviews
I knew this was an indie film but I kept thinking to myself, man the production in this film is fantastic. There is a lot of thought in this film to specific imagery. When you think you might have seen something in this film that correlates to the story, believe me you are not seeing things. They have a purpose.
Horror Smorgasbord
'Red Kingdom Rising' is a triumph of heart and soul over budgetary restrictions with performances that honestly punctuate each character's pathos...director Navin Dev plants one woman's childhood suffering firmly into her psyche and allows it to manifest itself in fantastic ways.
The Conduit Speaks
Strong performances. A decent story that doesn’t stay all in one place for too long. A solid script with solid dialogue, and a very dark tone to events and the story. 3.5 out of 4 stars.
Horror Movies & Stuff
One must also say that Navin Dev has created something special with his first feature length film…The atmosphere is certain in the beginning yet the story changes over again and again between psychological and physical horror throwing the audience around into all sorts of the grotesque – 8/10, Translated from German
Tofu Nerdpunk (German)
...this movie is just wonderful, thanks to Navin Dev’s marvellous script and superb direction....grim, atmospheric and creepy as f*ck. 8/10.
Maynard Morrissey’s Horror Movie Diary
A voir, que vous soyez fan ou non du roman de Carroll (See it, whether or not you’re a fan of the Carroll novel). 7/10
SlashersHouse.com (French)
'There's a lot to appreciate here. For a low budget, it looks remarkably good…there’s more enough to enjoy and appreciate, such as Martin Thornton's soundtrack, which reminded me occasionally of Hellraiser.'
Trash City
'Red Kingdom Rising' is a great virtue, and is not looking for the easy shock as used in horror films in recent years. But playing with pure terror, playing psychological terror, emotional exhaustion and simply because it (is) mandatory viewing for all lovers of terror. The scariest version of the classic Lewis Carroll.' (translated from Spanish)
Terror Weekend (Spanish)
Director Navin Dev has the potential, one can draw parallels with Guillermo del Toro and his visual style. But he must get more money, what he does with the story and the visual style shows that much lives in him. Translated from Norwegian.
Captain Charismas Blog (Norwegian)
'Red Kingdom Rising' is original and interesting. It's beautifully made, filled with stunning visuals (often both intense and macabre) and intriguing images. 'Red Kingdom Rising' is the first feature from Navin Dev, he has previously made shorts, and it's a very impressive debut. I recommend it highly! 7/7
Independent Flicks
For those that love dark fantasies, 'Red Kingdom Rising' is a solid watch. Keep an eye out for it...Navin Dev's film is a delightful indie piece. Dev creates some nice set pieces, and the horror elements and quirkiness of the film are original and satisfactory. Dev's film is dark and fractured, and a joy to watch.
Movie Cynics
In my opinion, stories that deal well with issues of abuse are few and far between. Finding ways to talk about them, especially in somewhat metaphoric ways, like in your film, are paramount…thank you for choosing to embrace a subject few people are willing to handle, and doing so in such a compassionate and beautiful way.
Mythic Pictures
I honestly can't find one thing wrong with this film....I know, shocking isn’t it? It's a twistedly beautiful film that every fantasy horror fan should watch.
Twisted Central
Gruesome, twisted, a dark blend of reality and a child’s fairy tale. Look for Red Kingdom Rising, I enjoyed it immensely.
Char Hardin
If you want to see an independent production that goes all out to create atmosphere, draw you into a psychological game and mess with your childhood stories while also dealing with very mature themes, then you should give this a shot.
Film Bizarro
Dev's short is totally creepy and almost feels like a scene out of Clive Barker's 'Hellraiser,' but some of the imagery depicts the happier ending that Collodi eventually added to his story.
Cinematical/ Moviefone
Navin's short film 'The Tree Man' follows suit from his previous short 'Red Hood' with its outstanding production values. A film where you can't help but to marvel at how he did each and every shot. Beware, it's not a Pinocchio you would want to show the children… that's for sure.
Movie Farm
F'ed up Pinocchio short 'The Tree Man' just creeped me out…What would it look like if Clive Barker directed a marionette version of Pinocchio? Probably something like Navin Dev's nine minute short "The Tree Man,"....I think this is easily the weirdest thing you'll see today.
Quiet Earth
....a movie with puppets and animation in which Pinocchio "descends into hell" in a dark and dream animated by disturbing encounter with symbolic characters. (translated from Italian)
CineOcchio (Italian)
RED HOOD (2008)
For the beautiful shots and well-designed sound alone. You wouldn't believe that this short was produced in 2007 – more like 1977....which only adds to its charm.
Movie Farm
Many of you know that Little Red Riding Hood is one of my favourite fairy tales, and Dev makes some fun and interesting choices with his short film.
Robert E. Stutts